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Shorten My Loan Term

Save on interest and build equity

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If your goal is to pay off your mortgage more quickly and potentially save long-term, a Rapid Refi can help you do just that! While a shorter loan term may mean a higher rate or payment, it also comes with significant benefits.

  • Own Your Home Faster
  • Save On Interest
  • Grow Your Equity

Tools & Resources

By paying off your mortgage more quickly you could save thousands over the life of your loan. Use our tools to see if it's the right choice for you. 

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Check your rate and loan term options with a free mortgage check-up.

Get My Loan Options
Mortgage loans are subject to credit approval. By refinancing your existing loan, your total finance charge may be higher over the life of the loan. Application approval is subject to complete underwriting review based on program guidelines; not all applicants may qualify. Limitations may apply. This is not a commitment to lend. PHH is not licensed to do business or originate loans for properties located in Hawaii. 

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