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Home Equity Loans

Flexible options to tap into your equity

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Home Equity Loan Options

Phh wants to empower you to leverage one of the most valuable assets you have - your home. We offer flexible and dynamic solutions to provide you with ongoing access to the equity you've built.

Advantage of Home Equity Loans (HELoans)

One-Time Disbursement

One-Time Disbursement

Receive a one-time cash payout in the amount approved to use as needed.

Competitive Rates

Competitive Rates

Explore lower rate options than other forms of lending.

Fixed-Rate Loans

Fixed-Rate Loans

Enjoy the predictability of a fixed-rate that won't adjust.

Lower Fees

Lower Fees

HELoans typically come with less fees and costs than a primary mortgage.

Talk to a PHH Loan Officer

Check your options today! Start with a free equity review. 

Get My Loan Options

In addition to Home Equity Loans, we offer Home Equity Line of Credit options. Benefits of HELOC include

  • Revolving Credit- As you repay the borrowed amount, the credit becomes available again
  • Flexibility- Access funds as needed up to your approved limit
  • Interest On What you Use- You only pay interest on the amount you actually use
  • Variable Rates- Variable rates can result in lower initial payments

If your goal is to access funds without altering your current mortgage terms, a HELOC or HELoan may be right for you. Call 1-800-319-0577 to review your options.

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